Often we find ourselves in difficult situations, incendiary even, and our sympathetic nervous system (triggers fight or flight) is fully engaged. It’s at these times, increased emotional intelligence can be very helpful to you and the situation at hand.

Full transparency…I’ve embraced the fight mode far too often, and as you can imagine, the results have been mixed at best (Note: the fight mode isn’t always a bad thing, it has it’s place). However, I’ve learned and worked diligently to personally improve in this area through various mentors, coaches and my own self-improvement journey. Because of that work, now I am the one in control and can be fully present in these situations.

I invite you to explore and wrestle “the power of stepping back” and see how it can change your actions and perspective in difficult situations. And as always, don’t face this battle alone.

We’re here to help and work along side you. Just reach out for a free consultation.

— Kirk