Well…how about it, how are things going for you and your life? To quote the book, “In other words how much unhappiness is there in the world”? And furthermore, if there were an answer to that question, “…would leaders pay attention to it”?
Interesting to say the least. We recommend this book from Gallup as one of your next reads. Facts like these caught our attention:
• “Of the 3.3 billion people who want a great job, only 300 million have one.”
• “…roughly 2 billion people are struggling on their current income.”
• “Living in a great community is fundamental to a great life. But over 1 billion people are so dissatisfied with their community that they want to leave it forever.”
• “For almost 30 years, the world was winning the war against hunger. In 2014, that started to change, and now we are losing.”
• “There is a growing epidemic of loneliness. Over 300 billion [yes, that is Billion] do not have a single friend.”
These are tough facts to deal with and tougher questions to ask, but we start with ourselves. Dare to ask yourself about your happiness. Then purpose to do something about it. We can help, you don’t have to do it alone.
If this piques your interest, reach out and let’s have a coffee and talk.